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How to Fix a Stuck Garage Door

how to fix a stuck garage door

Inspect the garage door components for obstructions, misalignments, or damage, and address the issue by clearing debris, adjusting the track, or repairing/replacing the faulty part, as necessary.

Are you struggling with a stuck garage door that’s causing frustration and inconvenience in your daily routine?

Knowing how to fix this common problem yourself can save time and money and allow you to resolve the issue in the future.

Keep reading to discover how to fix a stuck garage door and prevent future problems.

How to Fix a Stuck Garage Door Step-by-Step

A stuck garage door can be a major inconvenience, potentially compromising the security of your home and disrupting your daily routine. This comprehensive guide is designed to help you diagnose and fix a stuck garage door by addressing the most common issues. We will walk you through the process of identifying the root cause, whether it’s an obstruction, misalignment, damaged component, or electrical issue. With clear instructions and helpful tips, this article aims to empower you with the knowledge and confidence to tackle the problem yourself. By following our step-by-step guide, you can save time and money on professional services while maintaining the smooth operation of your garage door and ensuring your home remains secure.

1. Turn off the power

Turn off the power to the garage door opener and disconnect it from the door to ensure safety during the repair process.

Before attempting to fix a stuck garage door, it is essential to prioritize safety. The first step in the repair process is to disconnect the garage door opener from the door itself. This will prevent any accidental activation while you’re working on the door, reducing the risk of injury or further damage.

To disconnect the garage door opener, begin by turning off the power supply to the opener. You can do this by either unplugging the unit from the electrical outlet or switching off the corresponding circuit breaker. With the power disconnected, locate the manual release mechanism, typically a red cord or handle, hanging from the opener’s trolley system. Carefully pull on the release cord to disengage the trolley from the garage door, allowing you to move the door manually.

Now that your garage door is disconnected from the opener, it’s important to exercise caution when working on the door, especially if it’s partially open. Garage doors can be heavy, and some components, like springs, are under immense tension. Ensure that you have the necessary tools and protective gear, such as gloves and safety goggles, on hand before proceeding to the next steps of the repair process.

2. Inspect the tracks for obstructions

Inspect the tracks for obstructions, such as debris or foreign objects, and clear them if necessary.

Debris or foreign objects in the tracks can hinder the movement of the door and cause it to get stuck. Begin by visually examining the tracks for any visible obstructions, such as dirt, leaves, or small objects that may have accidentally fallen into the tracks. Carefully remove any obstructions using a soft brush, cloth, or a gentle vacuum cleaner to avoid damaging the tracks. It’s essential to keep the tracks clean and free from debris, as accumulated dirt can not only cause the door to get stuck but also contribute to premature wear and tear of the tracks and rollers. Regular maintenance and cleaning of the tracks can help prevent garage door issues and extend the life of your door system.

3. Track Alignment Adjustment

Check the alignment of the tracks and adjust them by loosening the brackets, repositioning the tracks, and tightening the brackets back in place.

Misaligned garage door tracks can cause your door to get stuck or operate inefficiently. To adjust the alignment, first, visually inspect the tracks for any noticeable bending or uneven positioning. Use a level to confirm the tracks are properly aligned both vertically and horizontally. If misalignment is detected, proceed with the following steps:

  • Loosen the screws or bolts that secure the brackets holding the tracks to the garage door frame.
  • Gently reposition the tracks, using the level to ensure proper alignment. For vertical tracks, they should be plumb, while horizontal tracks should have a slight incline toward the back of the garage.
  • Once the tracks are in the correct position, hold them in place and carefully retighten the screws or bolts to secure the brackets and tracks to the garage door frame.
  • Double-check the alignment with the level to confirm that the tracks remain properly positioned after tightening.

By carefully adjusting the alignment of your garage door tracks, you can ensure smooth operation and prevent issues with the door getting stuck or causing undue wear on other components.

4. Check your garage door rollers

Examine the rollers for damage or wear; replace them if needed and lubricate them with appropriate garage door lubricant.

Rollers can wear out or become damaged over time due to regular use, lack of lubrication, or exposure to harsh weather conditions. To inspect the rollers, carefully look for signs of wear, cracks, or flat spots. If they appear damaged, it’s important to replace them to prevent further issues.

Proper lubrication is also essential to extend the life of the rollers and reduce friction. Use a high-quality garage door lubricant, such as silicone or lithium-based grease, and apply it sparingly to the rollers and their bearings. Avoid using WD-40, as it can attract dirt and dust, leading to more issues in the future. Regularly lubricating your rollers will not only ensure a smooth operation but also minimize the strain on other garage door components, reducing the likelihood of future problems.

5. Check your garage door springs

Inspect the springs, cables, and other hardware components for signs of damage or wear; replace any damaged parts as necessary.

These components play a crucial role in the smooth and safe operation of the door. Springs are responsible for counterbalancing the weight of the door, while cables help lift and lower it with ease. Over time, these parts can wear out or break, leading to a stuck or malfunctioning garage door.

When inspecting the springs, look for any gaps, rust, or obvious damage. If you identify a broken spring, do not attempt to repair or replace it yourself, as this can be dangerous due to the high tension. Instead, contact a professional for assistance. For cables, check for fraying, kinks, or any signs of wear. If you find damaged cables, it’s essential to replace them to prevent potential accidents or further damage to the garage door system.

Regularly examining and maintaining these components can prolong the life of your garage door and ensure its safe operation.

6. Test the balance of the garage door

Test the balance of the garage door by lifting it manually; if it feels too heavy or doesn’t stay in place, the springs may need adjustment or replacement.

This step focuses on testing the balance of the garage door to ensure proper spring function. To do this, disconnect the door opener and manually lift the door halfway. If it feels too heavy or doesn’t stay in place, the springs may need adjusting or replacement. Working with springs can be dangerous, so exercise caution and consider hiring a professional if you’re unsure of how to proceed. Maintaining balanced springs is crucial for the longevity of your garage door opener and the overall safety of the door’s operation.

7. Restore power to your garage door

Reconnect the garage door opener and restore power; test the door’s operation to ensure smooth movement.

Upon reconnecting the garage door opener and restoring power, carefully test the door’s operation by opening and closing it several times. Pay attention to any unusual noises or signs of resistance, as this may indicate an unresolved issue. Ensure the garage door is moving smoothly and stopping at the correct positions.

8. Check your garage door sensors

Check the garage door opener’s sensors and ensure they are clean, properly aligned, and functioning correctly.

These safety sensors, usually located near the bottom of the door track, prevent accidents by reversing the door if an object is detected in its path. To ensure they function properly, clean the sensor lenses, confirm they’re correctly aligned, and verify that the LED lights on the sensors are illuminated. Misaligned or malfunctioning sensors can cause a garage door to get stuck or not close completely, so regular inspection and maintenance are crucial.

9. Check the power source

Inspect the electrical connections and power source for the garage door opener, and check the remote control’s batteries and programming.

Carefully examine the electrical connections, ensuring they are secure and free from corrosion or damage. Confirm that the power source is functioning correctly by testing other devices in the same outlet. Inspect the remote control, replacing its batteries if necessary. If the remote still doesn’t work, try reprogramming it following the manufacturer’s instructions. Sometimes, a simple reset can resolve issues with the garage door opener’s functionality.

10. Hire a professional

If the problem persists after completing these steps, consult a professional garage door technician for further assistance.

Sometimes, garage door issues can be more complex or hazardous than they initially appear. These problems may involve advanced electrical work, specialized tools, or a higher level of expertise to ensure a safe and effective repair. By consulting a professional garage door technician, you can avoid potential injuries, damage to your property, or further complications with your garage door system. Trust the experts to diagnose and address any persisting issues, providing you with a reliable and secure solution to keep your garage door running smoothly and maintaining the safety of your home.


We’ve helped hundreds of local homeowners fix their stuck garage door, and find that many have the same common questions. Here are some of the msot frequently asked questions about fixing a stuck garage door.

What causes a garage door to get stuck?

A garage door can get stuck due to various reasons, such as obstructions in the track, misaligned or damaged tracks, worn or broken rollers, faulty springs or cables, and electrical issues with the door opener or remote control. Regular maintenance and timely repairs can help prevent these problems and ensure smooth operation.

Why is my electric garage door stuck going up?

Your electric garage door may be stuck going up due to various reasons, such as obstructions in the tracks, misaligned tracks, worn-out or damaged rollers, broken springs or cables, or issues with the garage door opener. It’s essential to inspect each component, identify the root cause, and perform the necessary repairs to ensure the smooth operation of your garage door.

How do you manually release a garage door?

To manually release a garage door, first, ensure the door is fully closed to prevent it from falling. Locate the emergency release cord, typically a red rope hanging from the garage door opener’s trolley. Pull the cord downwards or towards the door, which disengages the trolley from the opener, allowing you to lift the door manually. Be cautious when opening, as the door may be heavy, and ensure you re-engage the trolley once you’re ready to use the automatic opener again.

Can I use wd40 on my garage door?

While WD-40 is a versatile lubricant, it’s not the best choice for garage doors, as it’s primarily a solvent and degreaser. Instead, use a silicone or lithium-based lubricant specifically designed for garage doors. These specialized lubricants provide better long-term protection and performance, reducing friction and wear on your garage door components without attracting dust and dirt like WD-40 can. Always consult the manufacturer’s recommendations for the proper lubrication of your specific garage door system.


While our guide has provided you with valuable information on how to fix a stuck garage door, sometimes the issue may be more complex or require professional expertise to resolve.

At Your Garage Door Guys, our team of experienced technicians can diagnose and repair even the most challenging garage door problems, ensuring the safety and functionality of your door.

Don’t let a stubborn garage door disrupt your daily routine any longer; trust our professionals to provide prompt, reliable, and affordable services, giving you peace of mind and a smoothly operating garage door.

Contact us today for professional garage door services, and let our skilled technicians handle any garage door issue you may be facing – we’re here to help!

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